The RentConfident Signature Report provides deep analysis of the rental risks a single residential address in Chicago.

Note: Because Signature Reports include more data and an investigation of every property owned by a landlord, they take a while to complete. It can take up to 24 hours to complete your report, depending on how many reports are in the queue ahead of you. If you're in a hurry, please consider our Fingerprint Report instead. They can be completed in a matter of minutes.

Address (Required)

Is this an apartment/condo or a house?

We know that money is tight, so we let our customers set their own prices. Our researchers cannot see the amount you pay for their work - even if you cannot pay anything at all. The amounts suggested below will allow us to cover our costs, but we will never turn away a renter in need.

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The address you requested is in . We can only research properties in the city of Chicago at this time.

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Please retype the Street Name, using the Auto Completer to ensure we have the correct street.

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